Beverage Pot 430ml
Elevate your breakfast and tea service with that beverage pot, The sleek design creates an inviting space for guests to savour their morning coffee or afternoon tea. With a generous capacity of 430ml, these pots keep drinks piping hot and allow easy self-service. Start your guests' day on a refined note with these elegant beverage pots.
- Material:Vitrified Porcelain
- Colour:White
- Width:11 cm
- Height:6 cm
- Weight:400 g
- Suitable for:Dishwasher, Fridge
- Style:Beverage Pot
Rental Rates*
- 3 Day Rate - £0.65£0.217/day
- 1 Week Rate - £1.30£0.186/day
- 1 Month Rate - £4.55£0.152/day
Return Dirty - Free Of Charge
No Deposit Required
* Prices do not include VAT